Monday, 18 September 2017

Sharing Workload with the Help of Cranes - NS Energy Group

When there is an industry where heavy weights are included, there is need of machinery that can ease off the load. Machines that can help in smooth transition of the whole process and increase the overall productivity of the workplace. Their basic function is to ensure smooth transition in the industry. There are various different components that do this work and one of the important parts is Crane. The most basic work of a crane is to lift materials and transport them from one place to another. Just like lifting materials, they also perform function of lowering down the materials from high positions. The use of crane depends on what type of work is to be done. Difference of work depends on the weight that is to be lifted. There are different types of cranes that are available in market –

Goliath Crane
Goliath crane is built on top of a gantry. This gantry is an overpass like structure where the object can be mounted properly. The parts are moved with the help of wheels that are present at the bottom. The primary job of a Goliath Crane is to move objects or workloads that are very heavy in weight and need the help of some large machines to move from one place to other. Using goliath cranes is very convenient as they are low in cost and very efficient in use. As they are used in moving heavy products, burden bearing load is very high.

Semi Goliath Crane
The difference between goliath crane and semi goliath crane is that the latter one uses rails for movement only on one side hence the name semi. In these types of cranes, one side is mounted on the floor whereas the other side is raised. A semi goliath crane is resistant to corrosion which makes the highly durable. As they are less heavy than a goliath crane, operation of these machines is easy.

Monotech Engineers Private Limited provides you with all of the types of cranes that enhances the productivity of your unit and doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket.