Thursday, 3 August 2017

Goliath Crane – Sharing Your Workload

A crane is a boon for every industry where there is an extensive use of heavy equipments. This industry can be either transport or engineering company where there can be a lot of difficulty without the help of cranes. The very basic work of a crane is to life hefty materials and move them from one place to another, preferably from a lower higher position to another and vice versa. To lift different materials depending on the weight and their use, there are different varieties of Cranes. One very basic and important in that is Goliath Crane.

Goliath Crane
A Goliath Crane also known as Gantry Crane is a type of crane that is built on the top of an overpass like structure where the object can be mounted properly. The most distinguishing feature of Goliath Crane is the presence of wheels to move the parts. In most of the cases, rails are used as wheels. The primary job of a Goliath Crane is to move objects or workloads that are very heavy in weight and need the help of some large machines to move from one place to other.

Types of Goliath Cranes
Depending upon the size and use, Goliath Cranes are categorized into different categories –
Rubber Tyre Goliath Crane – These type of gantry cranes runs on rubber tyres. There is no need of rails in these. If the distance to be covered is not that much, then rubber tyre gantry crane are perfectly suited.
Full Goliath Crane – These are mostly found in shipyards and are best suited where there is a need for lifting of enormous objects. Large area is required for the setup of these cranes.
Ship to Shore Goliath Crane – These are the most common example of gantry cranes. They are used for loading and unloading of container from the ships to the docking yard.
Workstation Goliath Crane – When compared with other categories of cranes, these cranes are used for the smallest workspaces. They are equipped either with chain hoist or rope according to the use.

Benefits of Goliath Crane –
They are generally reliable and are very efficient
Maintenance is not an issue with goliath cranes
Running cost is also very low.
Burden Bearing limit is also very high.
For every different application, you have different types of cranes.

Semi Goliath Crane

As the name suggests, semi goliath crane is similar to goliath crane but instead of using rails on both the side, they are used only on one side, hence the name semi goliath crane. Just like in overhead crane system, one side is mounted on the floor whereas one side is raised. The basic use of these type of cranes is in storage places, cement pipe industry, steel yards etc. If there are workplaces where there might be need of transposing from one place to another, then Semi goliath crane is perfectly suited. If there are sites, where there is no surety of bay lengths, then also you can go with semi goliath cranes.

Types of Semi Goliath Cranes

Single Girder Goliath Cranes - These cranes are used for minor loading of building structures and they are designed from 0.5t to 20tonnes.
Double Girder Goliath Cranes – If you are looking for large number of spans, then double girder goliath cranes are what you are looking for and they are designed from 0.5t to 200 tonnes.

Benefits of Semi Goliath Crane –

The maintenance of this type of crane is quite low.
They are resistant to corrosion.
Operating these cranes is easy.
Price of semi goliath crane is less.
The price of exchangeability is extremely good.

N S Energy Group is the leading manufacturer and exporter of Goliath and Semi Goliath Cranes. To match the specific demands and provide high quality yet affordable Goliath cranes is what they specialize in.

           NS Energy Groups
A-7/111,GT Rd, South Side Industrial Area, 
   Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201009