Thursday, 29 December 2016

The Giants In Steam Turbine Manufacturing And Erection Commissioning Service For Power Plant

The steam turbines are one of the oldest prime mover technologies which are still in use. These turbines extract heat from steam and transform it into mechanical work by expanding the steam from high pressure to low pressure. Because of the high pressure, the steam flows through the turbine and turns the turbine shaft. This shaft is connected to an electric generator for producing electricity. 
Most of our condensing turbine operates with an exhaust pressure less than atmospheric pressure. Most of this condenser can be either air or water cooled and can be utilized for process or space heating loads. 
In case of a straight condensing type steam turbine, the heat energy is completely converted into kinetic energy. Moreover this mechanical energy is utilized to generate power.  We are one of the leading Straight Condensing Steam Turbine Manufacturers In India and our entire turbines find its application in different industries where heat solutions are insignificant for e.g. captive power plant/ IPP.
These condensing turbines are also of different types like the injection condensing turbine. The condensing steam turbine is a steam turbine whose operation ends with the condensation of the steam. This condensing steam provides high power output i.e upto 1200 MW which could be produced by a single unit. 
These Turbines are normally Condensing Turbines with provision for the low pressure steam injection and steam extraction for NOx Control in Gas Turbine. We also have steam Turbines with provision for controlled extraction as required for Co-generation- cum- Combined Cycle applications.
In case a facility is utilizing a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) to reduce steam pressure, a backpressure steam turbine can be substituted in using “free fuel” (steam) to reduce the steam pressure and generate electricity simultaneously. These powerful condensing turbines have several stages and have a complete system for regenerating heating of feed water.  We are a leading Back Pressure Steam Turbine Manufacturers which has two main applications, firstly for drive application which is used in sugar mills, shredder drive, pump drive and so on. These back pressure steam turbine is used as a reducing station between the boiler unit and the process steam header. 
We are an Extraction Condensing Steam Turbine Manufacturer which has constructional characteristics very similar to condensing turbines. These turbines are used when constant pressure steam flow has to be extracted for process purpose. Most of these turbines are typically used for co-generation where the turbine meets both the power and steam demand of the process plant. The power generated can be maintained more or less at a steady level despite variation in process steam demands. In many cases it may be necessary to have both bleed and controlled extraction steams from the condensing turbine. These turbines are of bleed cum extraction condensing type.
Erection Commissioning Service For Power Plant is a systematic and sequential process, which requires expertise and experience in this field. NS energy group has a variety of power generation systems which not only provides control Systems, Mechanical Design and Electrical Engineering but also provides  Power Plant Erection, and Commissioning services to each of their clients.
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Friday, 23 December 2016

Providing Power Plant Consultancy In The Most Economical Way

N. S. Thermal Energy is a multi disciplinary engineering organization which provides international quality consulting engineering services. We are totally involved in designing and maintenance of various thermal power plant sectors and have contributed substantially to the engineering and construction management of Indias major thermal power plants. We are a Consultancy Solution Provider For Power Plants In India.

We provide our specialized services to the power sector covering all aspects of planning, engineering, procurement, project management, construction & commissioning supervision as well as operation & maintenance. We provide the total energy solutions and a comprehensive power engineering experience with a team of our engineers comprising of mechanical, civil, structural, architectural, electrical, control & instrumentation, environmental, geological and information technology who converge their expertise and skills to provide well-coordinated engineering deliverables.

We provide our services from concept to commissioning of fossil fuel-fired power plants. Most of these projects are executed either on Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) basis or on a Non-EPC basis. When it comes to the EPC route, the complete project is executed by one or two main contractors.

The project execution is mainly done based on a large number of systems / packages which are  being procured from different vendors or contractors. We at N. S. Thermal Energy provide Power Plant Consultancy Services,   Expertise Manpower for Operations, Supply Installation Testing Commissioning of Power Plant, Operation & Maintenance of Power Plant, Operation & Maintenance of Hydro Power Plant, and many more services.

We provide consultancy for all forms of power generation plants and have specific expertise while dealing with Thermal power plants (including supercritical and ultra-supercritical boilers, gas turbine or steam turbine plant, cogeneration, combined heat and power solutions and services to advanced technologies such as solar thermal plants etc.

We also support natural gas plant which has the cleanest fossil fuel available, in the most economical way. Our services include providing desired flexibility which is the key to profitable power generation. Moreover, our combustion engine plants provide ultimate flexibility with high efficiency, harnessing gaseous, liquid or bio fuels.

We also provide services which include plant removal, relocation and reassembly services for existing power plants. Starting from small industrials to large frame-type gas turbines and everything in between, our relocation and construction teams are capable of completing the most challenging assignment.

N. S. Thermal Energy power plant provides engineering services for Power Plant Conceptual Engineering, Implementation and Upgrading. It has an extensive experience in a variety of power generation systems while providing expertise in Control Systems, Mechanical Design, and Electrical Engineering etc. We also have a power plant erection, commissioning, maintenance, operation, training and relocation services which are in our scope of works.

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Power Plant Consultancy services

Diesel Based Power Plant Exporters From India 
Gas Turbine Repairs Service in India
Steam Turbine for Rice Mill
Steam Turbines for Sugar Mills

Thursday, 22 December 2016

A Dominant Leader In Steam Turbine Manufacturing In India

N S energy group is a dominant force and has gained a leading position in the market of manufacturing Steam Turbines to suit the customer’s needs, since the time it came into existence. We are one of the leading Steam Turbines manufacturers in India and have seen unprecedented success over the years in the field of Designing, Manufacturing and installing Steam Turbines in various industries. We have served the Sugar, Steel, Paper, Chemical and Nuclear plants to provide the desired power or energy. We have installed steam turbine with different installed capacity as needed. All our Steam Turbines to help create value while providing a complete energy solution to the customer.

Steam Turbines are an essential piece of turbo machinery to many power plants and are applied as a generator drive or mechanical drive for pumps and compressor. We have employed highly trained and motivated personnel to safeguard the interest of our clients for Quality, Performance and Delivery assurances.

We at NS energy group serve to generate value and bring about new innovations which would largely benefit our customers and the society, economically and environmentally. We have invested a lot into research and development and reviewing the impact of availability, the supply patterns and the use of various energy sources.  We are one of the most economical and efficient designer for a complete industrial Steam turbine setup generating Energy and Power.

We are a Multi Stage Steam Turbine Manufacturers in India and use the latest technology and modern tools at our manufacturing unit. Backed by the team of skilled professionals, we bring forth an extensive range of Multi Stage Steam Turbines. All our steam turbines will maintain your valuable investment in replacement parts inventory. We provide these steam turbines on diverse specifications as per the need of customers.

We also make Extraction Condensing Steam Turbine which is typically used for co-generation where the turbine meets both the power and steam demand of the process plant. In such turbines the power generated can be maintained more or less at a steady level despite variation in process steam demands. It may be necessary to have both bleed and controlled extraction steams from the condensing turbine. These turbines are of bleed cum extraction condensing type.

We also provide Steam Turbine for Rice Mill and have a team of skilled, motivated and committed professionals with expertise to support all the major steps which include the system design, development, implementation and customer support

We provide Steam Turbines for Sugar Mills for running a sugar plant with its varied product range. We manufacture  Double Extraction Condensing Multistage Turbines ensures Sugar Co-Gen plants get steam for process during the sugar crushing season and power available throughout the year, during off and on season.

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EPC Of Power Plant

Biogas Generation Power Plant In India

Power plant maintenance service

Gas Turbine Operation and Maintenance Company